Steps to becoming a PC in Most States

Persistence is the key!

1. Verify your precinct by checking your Voter Registration Card or calling your county election office.

2. Determine if your precinct position is filled or open by obtaining a list of the current committee and leadership. There are several ways to do this:

  • Search the Internet for a website published by your County’s Central Committee. See if it lists the CURRENT members by Precinct, Ward, or Township.
  • Check your state’s Sec of State website for a tab called “publications”. Look for the CURRENT “Official State Manual” and find a section called “Officers of the Republican Party.” In Missouri the Manual is at:
    (Scroll down to your county to find a list of current or recent members.)
  • Join, like, and watch your County Cmte's FaceBook page, and/or Republican Clubs.
  • Search any of the above for an events calendar;
  • CALMLY attend cmte events to meet people on the cmte and seek out the PC for your precinct. Say something like, "i have recently come to realize that I need to do more to get my country back on track.")
  • Last resort: Ask your County Clerk’s office for a copy of the current members of your Republican County Cmte. (Be aware they may not be happy to share this list.)

3. Find out the legal requirements for holding a precinct position, i.e. a residency requirement. In Missouri, it is one year from time of registering as a voter in your precinct.

4. Begin volunteering immediately to help in any way at cmte functions. SERVING IS THE PATH TO LEADERSHIP!

5. Quietly determine if your County Cmte's leadership supports the America First Agenda (AFA) or the state’s RINO Establishment Cabal. Don't rant publicly to the Cmte members about how badly they have screwed up the country. From their perspective (however flawed), you have been AWOL while they have been trying to save the county.)

6. If your PC position is filled, offer to assist the current PC and the Cmte with Party work in your precinct. This will endear you to the leadership and put you in a position to learn if they support AFA or if they need to be challenged in the next election cycle. A local Precinct Strategy coach can help show you how to win when/if the time comes to do that.

7. If your PC position is open, seek out if/how vacancies can be filled between elections wo indicating you want to change county cmte leadership. There should be a provision designated in your County Cmte Bylaws but these will likely not be generally available. Active members should have a copy. Often, county vacancies can be filled by appointment of the Exec, Cmte or by a vote of the whole Cmte but you may need a "sponsor" to nominate you.

8. Check out your state’s GOP state website for helpful resources for County Cmtees. In Missouri, go to: to access sample county bylaws (your county may vary somewhat).

9. Study Robert's Rules of order to prevent the current County Chair from blocking your attempts to upgrade your cmte's honesty and effectiveness.

10. Use the resources at to become better informed about how to save our Republic by returning to Constitutional principles.

11. Some states elect PCs at a convention or a caucus. If your state does, you will need an experienced AFA precinct cmteperson to help you navigate that system. If you are from a state other than Missouri, look for more specific information and a coach in your state here: Find a PC coach.

12. Get busy with action, action, action. The clock is ticking!

New Title

By John Putnam February 23, 2022
It's Candidate Vetting Time Again! 
By John Putnam May 5, 2021
Frontline Doctors Address Gov't Covid-19 Narrative at Clay Clark's Health Freedom Summit The Following Links Examine the Claims of Those Who Profit Financially from Sale and Distribution of Covid-19 Medical Treatments (ALWAYS GET A SECOND OPINION!) Opening Doctors' Introductions - Op ening Remarks Various Doctors Hint at Stunning Findings Dr. Simone Gold, MD, JD, FABEM - The Religion of Public Health Chicago Medical School, Stanford University Law School Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD, OB/GYN - What’s in the Vaccines? Dartmouth Medical School, Tufts New England Medical Center Dr. Jim Meehan, MD , Ophthalmology - Why Masks Make Healthy People Sick Univ. of Oklahoma Medical School, Washington University and Barnes-Jewish Hospital Dr. Andy Wakefield, MD (Cancelled) - Doctors who ask questions University of London Dr. Mark Sherwood, ND - 100% Success Preventing Covid Functional Medical Institute Dr. Keith Rose, MD, Cosmetic Surgery - No Justification for Lockdowns Baylor University, University of Texas Medical School Dr. Richard Bartlet, MD, GFM - Proven, Safe Covid Therapies Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine Nurse Erin Olszewski - Covid is 100% treatable! Bellevue School of Nursing, Elmhurst Hospital, NYC - Undercover video Atty. Leigh Dundas, JD - Freedom vs the Fourth Reich Univ. So. California Law School Link to sources Attys. Simone Gold, MD, JD & Joey Gilbert, JD - The Path Forward Thomas Jefferson School of Law Link to AFLDS legal options For future Open America/Health Freedom Conference details, check this page: Thrive Time Show
American Patriot
By John.Putnam February 19, 2014
(The window closes soon in Missouri…) Have you ever hit your forehead and screamed, “HOW DID THESE IDIOTS GET ON THE BALLOT?” Have you ever realized that simply waving signs and making phone calls are not working when it comes to forcing our politicians to act responsibly? The biggest reason things seldom change in politics is because the average citizen doesn’t know that the election cycle doesn’t start with the Primary Election when the public first notices that the ballot is devoid of statesmen. The election cycle begins with filing for office months before you ever see the candidates’ names and, by the time you notice, it is far too late to act. Yes, if you want to change politics in America you have to sneak into the political house (fortified castles really) when the window is open. Every two years, in most states, a window opens for citizens/patriots to reclaim our government. This window is the filing period completed months before elections are ever held. However, we are not just talking about elections to County or State office that you see on the ballot each primary season. We are especially talking about elections to the Precinct, Ward, or Township positions that comprise the first tier of political party organization across the states: the County Committees. These are the most powerful positions in America because they actually cast votes for local party leadership and truly have the power to make things different. Yet you will seldom see these on the ballot because half the positions are never filled and most of the other half are usually uncontested (only one person files). After your bi-annual Primary Election is held (in August of odd numbered years in Missouri), the county committees of each political party hold their re-organizational meetings electing their leadership teams for the next two-year cycle. THIS is where the battle for America can be won because these people gain exponentially greater access to our elected officials in Washington, D.C than you will ever have standing on a street corner holding a sign in your home town or even Washington, DC. Most county’s political committees are ignored by local citizens who don’t want to get involved in the “dirty business” of politics or who think they are too busy going to work or to age-group sporting events. Meanwhile, the fox is guarding the hen house as elitist elected officials make a few phone calls and ask their “trusted” friends to staff the local political organization (parties). When their “trusted” friend says, I wouldn’t know what to do,” the politician says , “Don’t worry. I will tell you what to do. Oh, and by the way, I can get you some free tickets to the next Cardinals’ baseball game.” Friends, if this scenario keeps playing itself out, there won’t be any America left. Have you noticed how fast our country is unraveling? However, we still have the freedom to repopulate the nation’s political parties with informed patriots who know the Principles of Freedom and can’t be bought or bullied by selfish pols more interested in their next step up the ladder than what’s best for our kids and country. That’s where YOU come in. If your child had a ball game or a piano recital across the state, you would think nothing of driving three hours to attend it. Well, now our children are facing unmanageable debt that will make them slaves for decades. We each have the opportunity to reclaim our corrupted political process. Several groups stand ready to help coach you along the way if you will get involved while there is still time to salvage this mess. This includes: the Precinct Project (nationwide), and Putnam’s Patriots or MO Pricinct Project (in Missouri). The first step is to call your County Election Office or County Clerk and find out when YOUR filing window is open. (In Missouri, the window is now open until Tuesday, March 25, 2014.) The Missouri Model on my website will give you the big picture. If you haven’t read that yet, PLEASE, if you truly want to make a difference, do so immediately and then give me a call for specifics at 417-674-1946. We’ve got a country to rescue! The WINDOW IN MISSOURI IS CLOSING FAST! TODAY IS THE DAY TO CHECK AND SEE IF IT IS STILL OPEN IN YOUR STATE?
By John Putnam July 12, 2012
News Flash…2012 Congressional ALL-STARS just Released! Author: John.Putnam WHO ARE THE RELIABLE CONSERVATIVES IN CONGRESS? Objective Research Reveals Courageous, Constitutional, Congressional Champions Some disgruntled conservatives believe that EVERY incumbent politician should be sent home. We beg to differ! A recent study has just been completed to answer the question: “Which of our Congressional Representatives are the most courageously and reliably conservative, deserving to be retained in office or promoted to a higher one, and which Members of Congress deserve to be sent home. This analysis is based on the most recent of nine different popular rating services that specialize in various fiscal, social, cultural, constitutional, and conservative issues voted on in the 212th session of Congress. It then averages those numbers to get a broader perspective than just one rating service can provide. The list includes all Republicans and two Democrats who make up the top 240 positions. All other Democrats fall below this level and are therefore not relevant to the question at hand since they all need to be retired. (Yes, Virginia, there IS a difference between the two major political parties.) Source data comes from the National Taxpayer’s Union, the Heritage Foundation, the Club for Growth, the American Conservative Union, the John Birch Society’s Freedom Index, the Family Research Council, the Americans for Prosperity, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the Gun Owners of America. Links to each website are provided. And the winners are: (top 10% of 435) 1. Jacob Chaffetz (R-UT-3) 96.6% 2. Tom Graves (R-GA-9) 96.4% 3. Mick Mulvaney (R-SC-5) 96.3% 4. Jeff Flake (R-AZ-6) 96.1% – Candidate for US Senate – DONATE HERE 5. Jeff Duncan (R-SC-5) 95.8% 6. Raul Labrador (R-ID-1) 95.6% 7. Tom McClintock (R-CA-4) 94.8% 8. Doug Lamborn (R-CO-5) 94.7% 8. Marlin Stutzman (R-IN-3) 94.7% 10. Paul Broun (R-GA-10) 94.3% 10. Dennis Ross (R-FL-12) 94.3% 10. Tim Huelskamp (R-KS-1) 94.3% 13. Joe Walsh (R-IL-8) 94.1% 14. Jim Jordan (R-OH-4) 94.0% 15. John Fleming (R-LA-4) 93.9% 16. Scott Garrett (R-NJ-5) 93.8% 17. David Schweikert (R-AZ-5) 93.7% 18. Jeff Landry (R-LA-3) 93.6% 19. Trey Gowdy (R-SC-4)93.5% 19. Trent Franks (R-AZ-2) 93. 5% 21. Todd Akin (R-MO-2) 93.0% – Candidate for US Senate – DONATE HERE 21. Joe Wilson (R-SC-2) 93.0% 21. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX-5) 93.0% 24. Steve Southerland (R-FL-2) 92.2% 25. Dan Burton (R-IN-5) 92.1% 26. Edward Royce (R-CA-40) 92.0% 26. Andy Harris (R-MD-1) 92.0% 26. Steven Chabot (R-OH-1) 92.0% 29. Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA-3) 91.7% 30. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX-19) 91.6% 31. Bill Huizenga (R- MI-2) 91.5% 31. Patrick McHenry (R-NC-10) 91.5% 31. Ben Quayle (R-AZ-3) 91.5% 31. Tim Walberg (R-MI-7) 91.5% 35. Mike Pence (R-IN-6) 91.3% – Candidate for Governor – DONATE HERE 35. Justin Amash (R-MI-3) 91.3% 37. Connie Mack (R-FL-14) 93.2% – Candidate for US Senate – DONATE HERE 38. Cliff Stearns (R-FL-6) 91.1% 39. Tim Scott (R-SC-1) 91.0% 40. Ted Poe (R-TX-2) 90.4 % 41. Tom Price (R-GA-6) 90.2% 42. Jeff Miller (R-FL-1) 90.0% 42. Reid Ribble (R-WI-8) 90.0% 43. Steve King (R-IA-5) 89.9%
True The Vote
By John Putnam June 12, 2012
Next True the Vote Orientation Webinar is now on tap. Please try to check this out! John TRUE the VOTE Orientation We would like to invite you to attend a TRUE the VOTE Orientation webinar. The purpose of this webinar is to educate new TRUE the VOTE Volunteers about our program and how you can get started in your county. This webinar will be hosted by Catherine Engelbrecht, online the founder of the TRUE the VOTE initiative. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the presentation. If you have already attended a TRUE the VOTE Orientation, cialis 40mg you are welcome to attend as often as you like or forward to someone you think might be interested. **IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT OUR TRAINING PROGRAM** Due to the overwhelming response from across the country from citizens wanting to TRUE the VOTE, viagra we are transitioning our training programs to an ON-DEMAND format. This will allow you to access our training programs at your convenience, connect with leaders and participate in forums about election integrity programs in your local communities. Look for more information about our TRUE the VOTE Volunteer Portal in the coming days! The time for this webinar is posted for the Central Time Zone, **PLEASE MAKE SURE TO LOG IN ACCORDING TO YOUR TIME** Tuesday, JUNE 19 | 6:00-7:00 PM CDT Space is limited. Reserve your Webinar seat now at: 7232 Wynnwood Lane Houston, Texas 77008
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