1. Verify your precinct by checking your Voter Registration Card or calling your county election office.
2. Determine if your precinct position is filled or open by obtaining a list of the current committee and leadership. There are several ways to do this:
3. Find out the legal requirements for holding a precinct position, i.e. a residency requirement. In Missouri, it is one year from time of registering as a voter in your precinct.
4. Begin volunteering immediately to help in any way at cmte functions. SERVING IS THE PATH TO LEADERSHIP!
5. Quietly determine if your County Cmte's leadership supports the America First Agenda (AFA) or the state’s RINO Establishment Cabal. Don't rant publicly to the Cmte members about how badly they have screwed up the country. From their perspective (however flawed), you have been AWOL while they have been trying to save the county.)
6. If your PC position is filled, offer to assist the current PC and the Cmte with Party work in your precinct. This will endear you to the leadership and put you in a position to learn if they support AFA or if they need to be challenged in the next election cycle. A local Precinct Strategy coach can help show you how to win when/if the time comes to do that.
7. If your PC position is open, seek out if/how vacancies can be filled between elections wo indicating you want to change county cmte leadership. There should be a provision designated in your County Cmte Bylaws but these will likely not be generally available. Active members should have a copy. Often, county vacancies can be filled by appointment of the Exec, Cmte or by a vote of the whole Cmte but you may need a "sponsor" to nominate you.
8. Check out your state’s GOP state website for helpful resources for County Cmtees. In Missouri, go to:
https://missouri.gop/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/County-Sample-Bylaws-June-2019.pdf to access sample county bylaws (your county may vary somewhat).
9. Study Robert's Rules of order to prevent the current County Chair from blocking your attempts to upgrade your cmte's honesty and effectiveness. https://www.unh.edu/fac-senate/summary-and-simplified-roberts-rules-order
10. Use the resources at www.PutnamsPatriots.com to become better informed about how to save our Republic by returning to Constitutional principles.
11. Some states elect PCs at a convention or a caucus. If your state does, you will need an experienced AFA precinct cmteperson to help you navigate that system. If you are from a state other than Missouri, look for more specific information and a coach in your state here: Find a PC coach.
12. Get busy with action, action, action. The clock is ticking!
This site is offered in memory and honor of Major General Israel Putnam (www.israelputnam.com)
and the Patriots who served under his command at the Battle of Bunker Hill
and during the American War for Independence.“He dared to lead where ANY dared to follow.”
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