Rescue of Major Israel Putnam in 1756 near Glen Falls, NY - painting by Jean L G Ferris
Putnam’s Patriots is a growing group of patriotic Americans committed to returning our country to her Constitutional moorings with limited government, fiscal accountability, and personal responsibility starting at the precinct level of county government. We also want to restore the Founder’s “Success Formula” to America with less regulation, debt, and taxes and greater self-sufficiency in our lives. We believe that understanding the “Laws of Nature” and the “Founder’s Success Formula” are essential to our success. As our Founders taught us, we are bold to say:
As compassionate conservatives, we have a deep concern for the legitimately poor and needy, but with the greatest efficiency possible. In that regard, the federal government has proved incapable of doing so without becoming a MAGNET to the indolent. It fails because, it ignores the “Law of Nature” that charity must be LOCAL and VOLUNTARY to be effective and only people can hug people, money alone cannot.
Therefore, the best solution for poverty is an economy so great that one parent can, if they desire, support the family working and the other can nurture and train the children while in the home.
We believe it is immoral to practice charity with another person’s property. The Founders referred to the redistribution of property as “legal plunder” and said that theft by majority rule is no different than “a gang mugging a victim in a back alley.”
Samuel Adams: “The utopian schemes of leveling (redistribution of wealth), and a community of goods (central ownership of the means of production and distribution), are… arbitrary, despotic, and in our government, unconstitutional!”
The best vehicle for helping the needy, if the extended family cannot, is the local church which can best determine who has legitimate needs, administer relief most efficiently, and personally come along side those who need rehabilitation.
Our founder, John Putnam is a 10th generation American and the great, great… nephew of Major General Israel Putnam ( who was the commanding officer at the battle of Bunker Hill (War for Independence) who said, “Ye know how to aim boys, aim low, but don’t shoot ‘til you see the whites of their eyes.” In 1964, John graduated from Mercersburg Academy and was named to the National Prep School All-America Swimming Team. He is a 1969 graduate of the University of Missouri with a BS in Business administration and holds a Masters in Theological Studies from the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. In 2013, he was inducted into the University of Missouri Athletic Hall of Fame.
John began working in politics in 1964 as a teenage member of Young Americans for Freedom supporting Barry Goldwater. John has served as a Precinct Committeeman (PC) on the Jasper County Missouri Republican Central Committee since 1985 and in leadership on multiple occasions as Jasper County Chair, Legislative District Chair, Senatorial District Chair, Missouri Republican State Committeeman, and Delegate to various RNC National Conventions. In addition to Putnam’s Patriots, John is the Founder of the Southwest Missouri Conservative Network and Citizens for a Decent Environment. Also, past Missouri State Director for Tea Party, the Fair, and assistant to the MO State Director of Convention of States. He currently spends most of his time coaching others how to get started in grassroots politics at the PC level and move into leadership positions within the Party. He also teaches classes to area homeschoolers on the US Constitution and the Jobs For Life curriculum at The Forge Center for Virtue and Work in Joplin, MO - a project of Watered Gardens Rescue Mission to homeless men to help advance their working careers. To schedule a speech (in costume if appropriate) or to consult about becoming a Precinct Patriot in YOUR district, contact John at, or use our contact form. In his spare time, he manages Ozark Highlands Farm, a 220 acre farm in Southwest Missouri where his wife operates four AirBnB cottages providing rural serenity for family gatherings.
See Putnam speaking on the Principles of Freedom: Part 1 & Part 2
This site is offered in memory and honor of Major General Israel Putnam (
and the Patriots who served under his command at the Battle of Bunker Hill
and during the American War for Independence.“He dared to lead where ANY dared to follow.”
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