There are three main ways concerned citizens can help insure that we have fair and honest Elections:

Eye of Horus

1. Become a Poll Worker/Election Judge

     Q: What does a Poll Worker or Election Judge do?

     A: Poll Workers and Election Judges staff polling places on Election Day. They help ensure the voting process goes smoothly and honestly.  They check in registered voters, answer questions and make sure that everyone who is eligible gets to vote.

     Q: Are poll workers and elections judges paid?

     A: Yes, each local election authority determines the amount they pay their poll workers.

     Q: Are poll workers and election judges required to declare a political party?
A: Election judges are required to declare a political party. State law requires that each polling place be staffed by at least two Republican and two Democrat election judges. There may also be other jobs that would not require stating a particular party affiliation. 

     Q: I don’t consider myself a Democrat or a Republican. Can I still be a poll worker?
A: Yes. In some cases your local election authority may want you to serve as a poll worker. 

     Q: How will I learn what duties are expected of me on Election Day?

     A: You will need to attend at least one training session conducted by your local election authority prior to Election Day.

     Q: When do the polls open and close on Election Day?
A: It varies by state. In Missouri, poll workers must open the polls at 6:00 am on Election Day and keep them open until 7:00pm. Any voter who is in line at 7:00 pm is allowed to vote.

     Q: Is my work complete when the polls close?

     A: Not just yet. When the polls close, you will be asked to help with important procedural duties to complete the voting process, protect the
integrity of all of the cast ballots and help get the results back to the main office.  To learn more or volunteer in Missouri,

If you live in another state, go to their Secretary of State website and follow the "Elections" tab.

2. Become a Poll Watcher or Poll Challenger
    A poll watcher is basically anybody from the public that wants to come in to the precinct, sit in a designated public area and basically do
what the title indicates — watch the polls.  The role of a poll challenger is more involved than a poll watcher.  A poll challenger is a person appointed by a political group to look for voting irregularities or discrepancies during the election process. A poll challenger needs to apply to be a challenger several days prior to each election so their status as a registered voter can be verified. If you want to be a Poll Challenger, contact the Chairman of your Political group and ask to be appointed.

3. Monitor a Ballot Drop Box 

    (This is URGENT & CRITICAL!)
Several states have designated, unmonitored drop boxes where voters can deposit ballots 24 hours a day during early voting. Video evidence and telephone
tracking data have revealed that ballot box stuffing has occurred at multiple locations and they need to be monitored. Citizen volunteers can photograph or video people bringing more than one ballot to a drop box or returning on  multiple occasions. 
The presence of monitors will discourage ballot box stuffing.The most critical states are the swing-states like Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Wisconsin. 

Where can I find a drop box nearest me to monitor in my county or state?

Find a   Ballot Drop Box here.

Download a voter-fraud reporting App like "Votifynow" to capture voter fraud in action and INSTANTLY report it to authorities. (Practice before you get there.)

What to do when you get there:
Concerned citizens of all political parties should identify any ballot drop boxes in their county and, if possible, work with their County Central Committee to arrange around-the-clock monitoring of activity at these locations. Some heavily Democrat districts are being told that such surveillance is intimidating to voters and asking monitors to leave. If this happens to you, make sure you are on public property and STAND YOUR GROUND especially if the media shows up since this kind of coverage will help our cause. Ideally, each citizen monitor should take a friend who can video any confrontations and post them on social media. This would only help our cause. 

If such surveillance is successfully denied by local officials, volunteer with your local County Sheriff to come in and review surveillance camera footage as often as possible since the laws require this and Sheriff’s Depts do not have enough personnel to do all that needs to be done in this regard. Put out a press release in your media announcing that local citizens are doing this work. Such media coverage should discourage mules from trafficking fake ballots.  

Equipment needed: 
Lawn Chair(s)     *     Smart phone/camera w reporting App (Votifynow)       *        Umbrella
Local election fraud hotline number or County Sheriff's department. 

Training needed:

To effectively contest any perceived fraudulent activity, complete the appropriate training modules at: www.defendourunion.org


Stuffing a ballot box is a FELLONY!    

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